Friday 14 December 2012

Dear Business ...

Dear Business

I think you need to understand a few things about me.

I want to be acknowledged.  I don’t want to be ignored.

I want to be treated with respect because I am a person too. 

I might be having a bad day, when a smile and a friendly word might make a difference.

I don’t want people to look over my shoulder when they are talking to me.

I never again want to hear that patronizing tone of voice that so clearly indicates that the person I am talking to really doesn’t give a damn.

After all, I am the reason that you exist.

You might know my name but you don’t know anything about who I am.   Ask me.  Spend time getting to know me and find out what I like and what I want.

I will tell my friends about you.  Good or bad.  I have lots of friends.

If you think your products are good enough.  They aren’t. 

If you think churning out the same old marketing does the job, it shows me that you lack imagination and passion.

If you don’t care, I don’t.

If you think about me simply as a target, you will never be able to convince me that you give a damn. 

Look at me.

I’m all you’ve got.

I am not alone.



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